Deuces chris brown ft tyga album cover
Deuces chris brown ft tyga album cover

deuces chris brown ft tyga album cover

The 1st boy has finally admitted that his father forced him to lie about the molestation because their family was in debt. The first boy's father funded his dental practice with the "payoff" money & committed suicide, recently. Why in the fuck did you bring Michael Jackson into this? get your fucking facts straight: It has came out that BOTH of those boys were lying about MJ molesting them. Same thing should have applied to Chris but it never did, his people continue to let him do his own thing, now look his image may never be the same again. Why would Michael continue to let little boys sleep in his bed after the first accusation? Why didn't his people advise him better and insist that he not have little boys sleep in his bed, someone should have step in and save him from all that hassle he went through but no one did.

deuces chris brown ft tyga album cover

However the next time he will definitely have his self defense story concrete, like not leaving the scene of the crime and probably having a few witnesses there to back up his story.įor example : Michael Jackson was accused of molesting a child, silently paid of the first accuser, then here comes a second on which her went to court for even though he was acquitted it left a bad feeling in peoples mind about him, along with a big cast of doubt. Any adult with sense can see he has no true remorse for what he did, it clear he still thinks her was justified in beating her to a pulp, which is a sign that he more than likely will do it again, if he ever gets face into another situation with another girl. Chris needs help, he is not being judge by his talent in society, he’s being judge by his character and his conduct, not only on that night he beat her down but the following months after.

#Deuces chris brown ft tyga album cover code#

The boy is still angry at her for speaking out and not sticking by him by honoring the code of silence. Songs like Aint thinking about you and now Duces. It so clear the Chris is trying to hit back at Rihanna and he’s letting his true feelings be known in his music. Here is the thing that most of you fans on both sides seem to miss out on.

deuces chris brown ft tyga album cover

A 'song-and-dance course', over at her local 'Learning Annex' won't hurt neither!. While we're on the "theme of self-improvement", can you PLEASE enroll Rihanna in her local Community College GED night-course?. Fenty's CDs, so she can finally re-pay that $30K SHE STOLE from HER personal trainer? (THEFT-OF-SERVICES, I believe it's called) The master called-his-name: 'Lazarus-has-arisen'. Did you cry at the funeral? Can't have no-funeral without a corpse, now can you. That said, how's that "boycott" of yours coming-along how's THAT, working-out-for-ya? From what I'm reading, the majority of the comments. ?īut-it-seems, you are "amongst a noisy minority", as-far-as what THIS video is/isn't as-far-as, its "approval". What has SHE learned? And isn't Matt Kemp a "stalker". My 2 Styles - You're "coming-at-Chris", questioning HIS "intelligence": what he, "has-or-hasn't learned!?" But what has Rihanna "learned"? Wasn't it Rihanna who said: "She likes Violent movies/ doesn't like "soft-guys" "don't-care-for-a-mama-boy".? Those were HER words!. We dont know what happened in the car so dont tell the guy how he should feel or respond to his actions cause none of know what happened. His music is demonstrating how he feels and music has always allowed people to express their feelings. Whether his music is about Rihanna or not, it doesnt matter. He's not on some "dark" music that I cant relate to. For someone who has been through what he's been through, he's come out stronger and wiser. I think Chris Brown is incredibly focused. Rihanna who is the "victim" of this is not exactly a good role model to young children, nor is Beyonce, so why hold them on such a high pedestal when their not exactly good representatives either. ? Think before you criticize Chris Brown cuz some of the artists you are listening to have committed a crime in one way or another. Its like some guy saying Jay Z hasnt got a criminal record when he stabbed someone. In terms of his personal life, why are we so quick to judge when none of us are perfect. doesnt matter whether u think of Beyonce, Destiny's Child, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Jay Z, Lil Wayne. If you dont call this music, stop buying singles and going to their concerts cuz truthfully, i think ALL music in our age and time is COMMERCIAL and the majority of it is junk. theres no point comparing his music to what it was like back in the 90s and motown days cuz NOONES music AT present is the same as it was then. If anything, you should comment on his music and how CURRENT it is. I think its funny how majority people here are commenting on his life or comparing him to legends like Marvin G and Michael Jackson.

Deuces chris brown ft tyga album cover